School directors on the international stage
School directors on the international stage

Thomas Saène
Principal - EFI Casablanca

Peggy Avelez
Primary school Director - EFI Casablanca
Hamed Afifi
Executive Director Odyssey Egypt
Fabrice Humann
Head of School - La Petite Ecole Singapour
Cyril Michel
Head of School - La Petite Ecole HCMV
Leila Beillo
Director - La Petite Ecole Hanoi
Audren Séguillon
Head of School - ISD Rome
Aline N'guyen
Primary school Director - ISD Rome
Guillaume Capon
Head of School - LFI Anvers
François-Xavier Gabet
Odyssey Delegate Central Europe, Head of School - EFI Bucarest
Nordine Mebarki
Head of School - CIF Sarajevo
Fabien Lacroix
Head of School - EFI Tirana
Brice Barnabeu
Head of School - EFI Skopje